About the Israel Prehistoric Society

The Israel Prehistoric Society serves as a platform to showcase the prehistoric research in Israel and strengthen the tie .between professionals, amateurs, and the general public

The Society was founded in 1960, established by Professor Stekelis, and transformed into a legal non-profit corporation in 1989. The missions of the society are instruction, publication, and the dissemination of knowledge about prehistory in Israel. The Society seeks to strengthen the contact between members of the society, professionals, and amateurs. Cooperation between the society and academic researchers and institutions in Israel, and around the world, seek to encourage activities that will further the aims of the society. The Israel Prehistoric Society holds an annual conference during which researchers present their work on the prehistory of Israel. The society publishes an annual volume of Mitkufat Haeven, the journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.

We call upon the public to join as members, receive the Journal and enjoy the conference and even take part in field work and excavations, which are published on our web page. Since 1989 the Israel Prehistoric Society is listed with the Israeli Corporations Authority, submits an audited annual report, and its financial activities are regulated by the Israel Corporations Authority, Ministry of Justice.

In addition, the Society has unanimously adopted (at the general assembly 26.12.91) the following two sections:
1. The society’s assets and its income are used only for its aims and any profit benefit sharing amongst its members is prohibited.
2. In case of liquidation of the society, all of its assets will be transferred to another public organization, as noted in section 9 of the income tax command, and will not be shared amongst the members.
At the general assembly held on 5.12.2002 section 18 (the right of representation) of the terms was changed to the following: “the Society Board of Directors can authorize two or more of its members to sign in the name of the society on official documentation and act on the behalf of the society in actions that are in their domain of authority.”

Chair of the Board of Directors – Dmitry Yegorov
Treasurer – Mae Goder-Goldberger
The audit committee – Jacob Vardi, Ron lavi

Members of the board of directiors – Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer, Ariel Malinski-Buller, Gonen Sharon, Maayan Shemer, Ron Shimelmitz, Natalia Solodenko-Vernovski, Maya Oron, Reuven Yeshurun, Michal Birkenfeld.
Founders of the society in 1989 – Avraham Gopher, Adam Druks, Anna Belfer-Cohen, Amnon Asaf, Isaac Gilead, Nigel Goring-Morris, Moshe Davis, Naama Goren-Inbar, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Felix Burian, and Erich Friedman.