Guidelines for Applicants
Fields of Research
The Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation is devoted to the furtherance of understanding the prehistory of Israel. In particular, the CARE Archaeological Foundation offers small grants to aid scholars in research concerning the Paleolithic and Neolithic prehistory of Israel, as well as studies in adjunct fields of research, including paleoanthropology, Quaternary geology, palynology, faunal and ethnobotanical analyses, and so forth, as long as they are limited to the Pleistocene and Holocene of Israel up to ca. 7,000 years BP.
Coverage of Expenses
The grants will cover expenses of field work and laboratory studies (paid by the hour or as monthly salaries), as well as specialist analyses (per unit) such as radiocarbon dating, palynology, etc. CARE will also cover travel expenses, including travel from foreign countries to Israel and back. CARE generally will not cover travel expenses to attend international meetings, unless they are devoted largely, or entirely, to Near Eastern prehistory and, even for such meetings, CARE can only cover travel costs when its resources permit. CARE does not support conferences and workshops, and it also does not fund university tuition and fees for graduate study. Precise itemized prices have to be given in the application indicating the specific kinds of expenses that will be made and/or the materials that will be purchased with Foundation funds.
Eligibility and Recommended Allocations
Category A (maximum $7,000): Post-doctoral scholars of various ranks affiliated with universities or other recognized institutions such as museums or research institutions.
Category B (maximum $4,000): Graduate students, including those who participate in MA or PhD programs. The name and signature of the student's principal advisor should be included in the application.”
All applicants should be explicit about the readiness of each expert mentioned in the application. Accordingly, include in the application a letter (or an e-mail message) from the experts indicating their agreement to take part in the project.
The Foundation will consider support of long-term projects for up to three years, but the continuation of the funding will be subject to annual review and the receipt of satisfactory interim reports. Excavation applications will be granted only up to one or two years, to provide seed money, so that the applicants will be able to show preliminary results while applying to other funding agencies.
The Advisory Council meets once per year shortly after the application deadline to make its decisions regarding the allocation of funds. Grants will generally be remitted in the following spring.
The allocated funds for Israeli scholars will be sent either to a university, the Israel Exploration Society, or the Israel Prehistoric Society. These institutions will be responsible for the accounting. Non-Israeli graduate students and professionals will be personally responsible for the provision of proper accounts within 6 months following the completion of the grant period (for more details see paragraph 3 in the application form).
The Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation should be acknowledged in each report or publication resulting partly or fully from the support of CARE, and a copy of each report or publication should be sent to the Foundation.
Deadline for Submission of Application
Applications should be sent, in digital format, to Prof. Anna Belfer-Cohen, Institute of Archaeology, Mt. Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91905 Israel, and must be received no later than 3 November, XXX
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